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Alter Aeon Mage Spells and Skills

This spell and skill list is maintained by the Ralnoth Guildmasters
Association, and is provided free of charge to all.

(Note that actually learning a spell or skill probably won't be free!)

There are also articles about some of these skill and spell groups
in our Gaming Articles section.  For example:

 - Spellcasting for New Players
 - Introduction to Healing in Groups
 - The Black Art of Brewing Poisons
 - A Cleric's Guide to the Undead

Mage elemental fire spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    shower of sparks                             14  11       1 mag
      burning hands                              15  11       6 mag
        infravision                              17  13       8 mag
        fire shield                              19  15      11 mag
          flame blade                            21  17      13 mag
          fire focusing                                      19 mag
            lesser fire elemental                            20 mag
              fire elemental                                 32 mag
                greater fire elemental                       35 mag
        scorch                                   22  18      14 mag
          fireball                               27  23      21 mag
            firefield                            30  26      26 mag
            fireweb                              32  28      29 mag
              blaze                              37  33      38 mag

Mage crystal spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    crystal light                                13  11       2 mag
      shards                                     18  14       7 mag
        crystal coat                             23  19      16 mag
        crystal shield                           25  21      20 mag
          crystal spear                          28  24      23 mag
            shard storm                          31  27      28 mag
              crystal prison                     35  31      33 mag
          crystal focusing                                   24 mag
            lesser crystal elemental                         25 mag
              crystal elemental                              37 mag
                greater crystal elemental                    40 mag

Mage elemental lightning spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    static blast                                 15  11       2 mag
      shocking grasp                             18  14      10 mag
        ground                                   20  16      12 mag
          lightning focusing                                 21 mag
            lesser lightning elemental                       22 mag
              lightning elemental                            34 mag
                greater lightning elemental                  37 mag
        lightning flash                          20  16      14 mag
        haste                                    23  19      17 mag
        lightning bolt                           25  21      19 mag
          ball lightning                         29  25      25 mag
          chain lightning                        33  29      31 mag

Mage elemental cold spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    chill touch                                  15  11       3 mag
      frostflower                                19  15       8 mag
        ice shield                               21  17      13 mag
          ice focusing                                       23 mag
            lesser ice elemental                             24 mag
              ice elemental                                  36 mag
                greater ice elemental                        39 mag
        icebolt                                  24  20      17 mag
          frost bite                             28  24      23 mag
            cone of cold                         30  26      27 mag
            ice imprison                         35  31      32 mag
            wall of ice                          35  31      34 mag

Mage force fields
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    mana shield                                  14  11       4 mag
      fly                                        17  13       7 mag
        magic missile                            20  16      11 mag
        knock                                    21  17      15 mag
        tensors floating disc                    24  20      18 mag
      force shield                               20  16      12 mag
        enchant deflection                                   26 mag

Mage illusion spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    dancing lights                               15  11       5 mag
      color spray                                20  16      10 mag
        prism                                    25  21      18 mag
          kaleidoscope                           36  32      36 mag
      detect invisibility                        21  17      15 mag
        displacement                             24  20      19 mag
      darken                                     23  19      16 mag

Mage basic magics
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    spell lore                                                6 mag
      detect magic                               17  13       9 mag
      maintaining spells                                      9 mag
        dispel magic                             21  17      14 mag
          undo                                   25  21      22 mag
            elemental collapse                               30 mag
            disrupt magic                        37  34      39 mag
        store power                                          35 mag
      scribe scroll                                          28 mag
        scroll chaining                                      33 mag

Mage alchemy
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    brew potion                                              12 mag
      potion lore                                            16 mag
        brew focus                                           25 mag

General mage spells and skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    elemental lore                                           18 mag 

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