Alter Aeon Necromancer Spells and Skills
This spell and skill list is maintained by the Ralnoth Guildmasters
Association, and is provided free of charge to all.
(Note that actually learning a spell or skill probably won't be free!)
There are also articles about some of these skill and spell groups
in our Gaming Articles section. For example:
- Spellcasting for New Players
- Introduction to Healing in Groups
- The Black Art of Brewing Poisons
- A Cleric's Guide to the Undead
Necromancer Spectral Rot
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
coldfire 13 11 1 nec
sickening touch 13 11 4 nec
rotting sphere 31 29 29 nec
tarrants spectral hand 17 15 7 nec
spectral claw 29 27 27 nec
field of the grasping dead 36 34 37 nec
Necromancer Animation
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
clay man 12 11 1 nec
wood woad 15 13 5 nec
bone guardian 17 15 9 nec
flesh beast 19 17 12 nec
animate dead 21 19 15 nec
deanimate 23 21 18 nec
metal construct 26 24 23 nec
crystal skull 36 34 39 nec
Necromancer Dragontooth Skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
harvest teeth 2 nec
skeletal spider 12 11 3 nec
skeletal warrior 22 20 16 nec
skeletal mage 23 21 19 nec
skeletal lich 29 27 28 nec
mend bones 33 31 34 nec
bone dragon 35 33 37 nec
skeletal knight 27 25 25 nec
bone shield 14 12 6 nec
bone armor 18 16 12 nec
bone prison 25 23 21 nec
bone fortress 32 30 31 nec
coffin 35 33 38 nec
bone blade 15 13 7 nec
bone arrow 16 14 8 nec
Necromancer Blood Skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
blood sacrifice 3 nec
foulblood 18 16 10 nec
rancid flesh 24 22 20 nec
ironblood 27 25 24 nec
deathly sleep 27 25 27 nec
dying breath 32 30 33 nec
life tap 21 nec
bloodcasting 22 nec
bloodmist 27 25 23 nec
blood bottling 30 nec
bloodbond 33 31 35 nec
Necromancer Spiritlore
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
dread portent 13 11 4 nec
fear 23 21 18 nec
free spirit 29 27 26 nec
Necromancer Undead Skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
corpsecutter 6 nec
undead lore 9 nec
preservation 18 16 10 nec
prepare zombie 14 nec
raise undead 20 18 14 nec
consume 17 nec
prepare ghoul 20 nec
prepare mummy 25 nec
prepare vampire 30 nec
deathwalker 32 nec
infuse element 28 nec
giscos giblet grenade 24 22 19 nec
graft undead 34 nec
Necromancer Soulbind
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
soulsteal 19 17 11 nec
soulforge 20 18 15 nec
soulbind 32 nec
soulsmith 33 nec
disenchant 36 nec
Necromancer Demonlore
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
demon lore 13 nec
demon familiar 13 nec
consult demon 17 nec
shadow fiend 22 nec
demonic favor 24 nec
demon teeth 26 nec
demonfire 35 33 36 nec
infernal visage 38 nec
bind demon 40 nec
demonic tutor 29 nec
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