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Alter Aeon Thief Skills

This spell and skill list is maintained by the Ralnoth Guildmasters
Association, and is provided free of charge to all.

(Note that actually learning a spell or skill probably won't be free!)

There are also articles about some of these skill and spell groups
in our Gaming Articles section.  For example:

 - Spellcasting for New Players
 - Introduction to Healing in Groups
 - The Black Art of Brewing Poisons
 - A Cleric's Guide to the Undead

Thief melee fighting skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    bloodletting stab                                         1 thi
      trip                                                    3 thi
        feint                                                 6 thi
          flourish                                           11 thi
      flick                                                   8 thi
      backstab                                                9 thi
        skirmish                                             38 thi
      crippling strike                                       20 thi

Thief ranged fighting skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    dirt throwing                                             2 thi
      knife throwing                                         15 thi
        potion throwing                                      27 thi
        grenadier                                            39 thi

Thief defensive fighting skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    dodge                                                     2 thi
      withdraw                                               10 thi
      vigilance                                              12 thi
      contortionism                                          23 thi
        evasion                                              37 thi

Thief stealth skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    searching                                                 4 thi
      sneak                                                   5 thi
      hide                                                   11 thi
        distract                                             17 thi
        stealthy movement                                    22 thi
          scout                                              26 thi

Thief tinkering
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    lock picking                                              4 thi
      examine lock                                           18 thi
      mechanical aptitude                                    24 thi
        salvage equipment                                    27 thi
          scrap equipment                                    28 thi
          trapmaking                                         33 thi
        explosives                                           29 thi
          flashbombs                                         31 thi
            incendiaries                                     32 thi
            shadowworks                                      33 thi
            frostworks                                       34 thi
              gasbomb                                        36 thi

Thief stealing skill group
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    pickpocket                                                7 thi
      palm                                                    8 thi
        shoplifting                                          10 thi
      case                                                   12 thi
        steal                                                16 thi
        fast talking                                         30 thi

Thief shadow disciplines
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    cloak of darkness                                        13 thi
      shadow bind                                            15 thi
        shadow blades                                        17 thi
          shadow decoy                                       25 thi
            cloak of fear                                    34 thi
        shadow strike                                        28 thi
          shadow walk                                        31 thi
            shadow asylum                                    35 thi
      shadow mastery                                         30 thi
        occult trapcraft                                     38 thi

Thief poison skill group
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    poison handling                                          13 thi
      brew poison                                            14 thi
        poison weapon                                        16 thi
        advanced poisons                                     21 thi
        choking cloud                                        24 thi
          poison cloud                                       28 thi
      brew antidote                                          18 thi
        reduce antidote                                      25 thi
        advanced antidotes                                   29 thi
      poison lore                                            19 thi
      poison resistance                                      26 thi 

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