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Alter Aeon Warrior Skills

This spell and skill list is maintained by the Ralnoth Guildmasters
Association, and is provided free of charge to all.

(Note that actually learning a spell or skill probably won't be free!)

There are also articles about some of these skill and spell groups
in our Gaming Articles section.  For example:

 - Spellcasting for New Players
 - Introduction to Healing in Groups
 - The Black Art of Brewing Poisons
 - A Cleric's Guide to the Undead

Warrior power attacks
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    thrust                                                    1 war
      lunge                                                   3 war
        bash                                                  7 war
          knockback                                          12 war
          charge                                             17 war
        cleave                                               10 war
          leap attack                                        20 war
            ground strike                                    26 war
          sunder                                             31 war

Warrior hand to hand combat
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    kick                                                      1 war
      stomp                                                   5 war
      jab                                                     6 war
        unarmed combat                                       14 war
          center                                             34 war
      spinning kick                                          40 war

Warrior weapon handling
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    parry                                                     2 war
      disarm                                                  6 war
      shield block                                            8 war
        shield slam                                          23 war
      riposte                                                11 war
        moulinet                                             16 war
        customize weapon                                     25 war
      pommel strike                                          15 war
        impale                                               39 war
      double attack                                          21 war
        whirlwind                                            32 war

----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    cry of victory                                            4 war
      taunt                                                   9 war
        intimidate                                           20 war
        enrage                                               24 war
      attract                                                16 war
        roar                                                 27 war

Warrior group tactics
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    rescue                                                    8 war
      protector                                              12 war
        tanking                                              22 war
      rally                                                  16 war
        retreat                                              19 war
          flanking attack                                    29 war

Warrior iron body
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    increased stamina                                        13 war
      second wind                                            22 war
        indomitable will                                     37 war
          last stand                                         38 war
      iron claw                                              25 war
      armored skin                                           28 war

Warrior fighting styles
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    defensive fighting                                       15 war
      battle tactics                                         17 war
        advanced tactics                                     24 war
          improvise tactic                                   28 war
            create tactic                                    37 war
          cross class tactics                                33 war
      dragon lore                                            18 war
        dragonscale armor                                    19 war
        dragonbreath defense                                 29 war
          dragonslayer                                       36 war

Barbarian blood skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    valor                                                    18 war
      berserking                                             21 war
        clobber                                              26 war
        revenge                                              30 war
        blood rage                                           35 war
      brew warpaint                                          23 war

General warrior skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    multiple attacks                                    various              

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