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Alter Aeon Who's Connected

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Players currently logged in who wish to be seen:

[Ma Cl Th Wa Nc Dr]   New Players             Title
[ 0  5 11 16  0  0]   Rajik
[17 12  6  0  0  1]   Korben
[12 17  0  1  0  6]   Pari
[ 1 12  6 17  0  0]   Moonduck
[16 11  0  0 22  5]   Oriana
[28 20  4  9 15  0]   Jeeves
[ 1 23  7 29 12 18]   Decision

[Ma Cl Th Wa Nc Dr]   Active Players          Title
[15 26 21 32  4  9]   Coco                    the Plain
[15 27 21  4 33 10]   Zarlothius              the Grunt
[27 21 10 16 33  5]   Enkai                   the Grunt
[29 24 14 19  9 34]   Walker                  the Grunt
[37 26  7 19 13 33]   Areidon                 the Adept
[20 32 15 25  9 37]   Xinoofia                the Champion
[28 22 18  8 39 14]   Hawana                  the Prominent
[17 35 39 39 39 23]   A terrible winged Demon the Conqueror
[19 35 30 25 14 40]   Coyote                  the Veteran
[25 31 14 37 19 40]   Malon                   the Legendary
[40 40 19 30 25 14]   Lilmike                 the Conqueror
[31 37 15 26 40 20]   Deneve                  the Conqueror
[29 38 30 40 13 19]   Judas                   the Murderous
[40 37 20 15 32 26]   Horg                    the Champion
[33 28 39 16 22 40]   Mink                    the Slayer
[40 38 34 21 27 19]   Gillic                  the Paladin
[39 36 23 17 40 28]   Acropont                the Slayer
[40 37 30 40 22 16]   Grass                   the Conqueror
[35 40 24 30 40 19]   Monolis                 the Legendary
[29 39 40 40 23 18]   Martin                  the Tyrant
[40 30 37 40 24 18]   Vanzan                  the Legendary
[39 40 27 32 40 21]   Addie                   the Archangel
[40 32 40 40 27 38]   Ragtime                 the Archangel

[Ma Cl Th Wa Nc Dr]   Idle Players            Title
[24 19 37 40 13 31]   Bloody                  the Champion
[32 27 16 21 38 10]   Behemoth                the Veteran
[29 35 23 13 18 40]   Brenok                  the Adept
[18 24 40 28 12 37]   Sov                     the Conqueror
[32 27 39 39 17 14]   Mathayas                the Villain
[27 22  7 13 18 34]   Tuesdale                the Plain
[21 26  0 12  0  6]   Shroomz
[17 22 11 33  6 28]   Night                   the Grunt
[ 9  4  0  0  0  0]   Skyraven
[ 5 11  0  0 17  0]   Slythera
[ 0 11 17 23  0  6]   Xzibit
[28 17 23 12  6  0]   Drucilla
[20 15 10 26 23 31]   Tribe                   the Prominent
[20 26 10 15  3 32]   Aslan                   the Plain
[35 26 12 22  8 18]   Eruiluvatar             the Plain
[30 25 15 20 35  9]   Feather                 the Adept
[33 34 19 24 35 30]   Runner                  the Slayer
[20 25 37 31  9 14]   Osurush                 the Adept
[29 24 14 10 33 37]   Jasondo                 the Illustrious
[18 23  6 28 38 11]   Sharn                   the Distinguished
[16 27 21 33 10 38]   Nextcoffee              the Adept
[28 23 35 39 19 12]   Darklord                the Cruel
[30 36 19 14 25 40]   Naturist                the Veteran
[15 32 27 37 21 40]   Tarzan                  the Conqueror
[21 27 31 40 40 15]   Shryth                  the Tyrant
[21 31 40 34 40 16]   Frankenstein            the Murderous
[35 29 23 18 40 40]   Nermthegerm             the Legendary
[40 40 37 32 40 26]   Neenah                  the Hero
[   CORRUPTION    ]   Valront
[      ADMIN      ]   Dentin

Visible connected -----> 60
Max this boot ---------> 77

Current system time ---> Fri Jul 26 23:57:07 2024
Last boot time --------> Sat Jul 20 16:19:28 2024


This page has been referenced 160 times since last boot.

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