Kenai: the king of all existence
This site is dedicated to Kenai. In all his greatness he still
maintains an aspect of humility. On this page you will find many things of
interest to Kenai. From his hierarchy of pictures, to his catalog of fabulous
links all over the world. This page is sure to make your eyes water and your
brain fry.
Nathalie & Kenai
Two peas in a pod. One complete person. Every book Stephen King has
ever written crammed into two people.
By far the single most influential person in my life. The inspiration
and drive behind everything I do. The tint of wonder in my life where none
exists. My soul mate.
My brother Heart. Capable of more love than an entire bucket full of
sea monkeys. Heart somehow has a grasp on my own heart. He owns the world as
far as I am concerned.
Falen, Nathalie, and Kenai
Falen, Nathalie, and Kenai reclining on a couch.
Kenai & Dancer
Two of the best looking guys I've ever seen. This picture was taken
before Dancer went crazy and tried to destroy the entire Mud.
Heart's leg, Nathalie, & Kenai
Heres a picture of us sliding down a slide. Kenai even assumed a Jesus
Christ pose as he crashed down. It is so unlike him.
Jack Kerouac
Perhaps the single greatest writer of all time. He wrote such classics
as"On the Road" and "Dharma Bums". He was born in 1922 and
died in 1969. If you've ever wondered about the "Beat Generation".
This is the man who coined the term and molded the image.
Henry Rollins
Henry Rollins, the man behind the myth. A poet, singer, and spoken
word performer. Perhaps the only person alive able to delve into portions of
the human heart that most people prefer to leave chained up in the basement.
Literary Kicks
Excellent site dedicated to everything Beat
Fog City Facts & Fiction Great
source for Beat related literature
2.13.61 Publications Henry Rollins
Publishing Company
To send mail to the great Kenai, just address it to