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Board Name - [Obsolete] The Story Board

Prev Msg   - 2012 Jun 15 19:19 (kagemaru) PMD story, part ii
Next Msg   - 2012 Jun 22 13:31 (kagemaru) PMD story, part iv

Date:    2012 Jun 16 18:14
From:    kagemaru
Subject: PMD story part iii
Troy said, 'So... What are you doing lurking around here?'

I just said, 'Nothing.'

We walked for a while, and came to a large stone building shaped like a
Wigglytuff. During our entry, Troy said:

'Step on the grate.'


'Step on the grate, plain and simple. Everyone does it in entry.'

I stepped on the grate. A deafening roar called, 'Footprint detected!!!'
'The footprint is Totodile's!!!'

I held in a scream of fear.

Troy did the same.

'Footprint detected! The footprint is Pikachu's!'

And we entered. I was astonished by what I saw. I bet just the top floor
could fit my entire class. A lot of Pokemon were coming into and out of a
hole through a ladder. They seemed toall be wearing scarves of some kind.

Finally, Troy said:

'Let's make a rescue team!'

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