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Search results for 'runic symbols'
Keywords are: 'runes runic glyphs symbols'
Some of the more commonly known Runes, typically used by Druids, are
listed below.
Ber - 'shatter' or 'to break'
Xix - 'to grasp' or 'to hold'
Alu - 'to remove' or 'weaken'
Ort - 'to push'
Mun - 'to separate'
Tal - 'to strengthen'
Cava - 'to transform' or 'to change'
Gesu - 'to protect'
Luk - 'to bind'
Nam - 'to mix, blend, combine'
Enti - 'to create' or 'to make'
Note - 'Luk' is one of the strongest binding runes, but
also one of the most fickle.
Jah - 'power'
Vin - 'luck'
Rava - 'blood'
Ilnak - 'magic'
Plat - 'earth' or 'mud'
Stal - 'stone' or 'rock'
Stupt - 'metal'
Gark - 'wood'
Marr - 'bone' or 'horn'
Urst - 'skin, flesh, meat'
Pil - 'water'
Nar - 'wind'
Faru - 'fire'
Zeki - 'crystal'
Ciru - 'ice' or 'cold'
Char - 'lightning'
Fell - 'poison'
Shul - 'health'
Arim - 'endurance'
Khil - 'accuracy'
Stis - 'intelligence'
Freth - 'wisdom'
Oshi - 'dexterity'
Hett - 'charisma'
Kama - 'speed'
Kenn - 'healing'
Ganta - 'reliability'
Blok - 'shadow' (magical shadow, not absence of light)
Nava - 'breath' or 'life'
Luam - 'light'
Trath - 'sky'
Ral - simply 'together'. It is typically used as a connecting
rune in rune words.
Nak - denotes the antipode of a noun, caused by the absence of that
thing. For example, Faru (fire) and Ciru (ice) are not true
opposites, but Luam (light) and Nak-Luam (not-light, i.e. darkness)
would embody this principle.
You can also list runes using the 'rune' command.