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Search results for 'skills practice'
Keywords are: 'skills practices'
Practices are the fundamental unit of skill and spell learning. Practices
are used to increase your stats, and learn spells and skills. Practices may
also be bought with experience at higher levels.
To improve your knowledge of a skill you must practice that skill (which, of
course, takes practices). You can teach yourself critical abilities, but
you must find a guildmaster or teacher to instruct you in less common spells
and skills. Skills are intended to give your character special abilities and
powers, and give you the opportunity to improve your character.
The 'slist' command will show you what spells the teacher can teach you.
The 'skills' command will show you what skills you already know.
The 'train' command will let you raise your stats.
Note that you always gain exactly 5 practices when leveling.