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Search results for 'windbreaker'
Keywords are: 'druid spell windbreaker breaker'
Spell: windbreaker Mana: 80 Int: 29 Wis: 31 Lvl 29 Drui (21%)
(important) Requires: still air
Group: Druid air
cast windbreaker
The 'windbreaker' spell allows the caster to still and control the air
in a large area. Similar to the 'still air' spell, windbreaker takes
the edge off wind and dragon breath attacks, as well as any other attack
which makes use of wind. It also weakens projectiles fired by ranged
weapons in the area, such as arrows, bolts, and darts.
This spell can also be used as a cushion for falling things and players.
It will not arrest the fall, but falling creatures are typically slowed
to the point where falls need not be fatal.
While not as protective as still air, note that this protects everything
within its range, friend and enemy alike.