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Alter Aeon logo 3000

Alter Aeon Shops and Stores

Storefront:  Bows, arrows and more
Location:    Village of Votara, The Continent of Ramanek
Recommended Level: 42

The following items are available for sale at this time:

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   [  Price] Worn on head:
   [    300] (tot  96) A raccoon pelt headband
   [    300] (tot  96) A baby bear pelt headband
   [    300] (tot  96) A deer skin cap
   [    300] (tot 151) a boar skin headband
   [    300] (tot 151) A grey wolf pelt cap

   [  Price] Worn on neck:
   [    300] (tot  96) A baby bear pelt collar
   [    300] (tot  96) A raccoon pelt collar
   [    300] (tot  96) An elk skin mantle
   [    300] (tot  96) A deer skin collar
   [    300] (tot  96) A deer hide mantle
   [    300] (tot 151) An elk skin pouch
   [    300] (tot 151) A grey wolf pelt stole
   [    300] (tot 151) a boar hide collar
   [    500] (tot 151) a Ralnothian jaeger skin pouch

   [  Price] Worn on arms:
   [    300] (tot  96) a pair of An elk skin sleeves
   [    300] (tot  96) A deer hide armbands
   [    300] (tot  96) A deer hide armbands
   [    300] (tot 151) A grey wolf pelt armbands

   [  Price] Worn on wrists:
   [    300] (tot  96) A deer skin strap
   [    300] (tot  96) A deer skin strap
   [    300] (tot  96) An elk skin bracer
   [    300] (tot  96) An elk skin bracer
   [    300] (tot  96) A deer hide strap
   [    300] (tot  96) A baby bear pelt muff
   [    300] (tot  96) A baby bear pelt muff
   [    300] (tot  96) A deer hide bracer
   [    300] (tot  96) A grey squirrel pelt bracer
   [    300] (tot  96) an okapi skin bracer
   [    300] (tot  96) A deer hide bracer
   [    300] (tot 151) A raccoon pelt strap
   [    300] (tot 151) A wild boar skin bracer

   [  Price] Worn on hands:
   [    300] (tot  96) a pair of deer hide gloves
   [    300] (tot  96) a pair of an okapi hide gloves
   [    300] (tot  96) a pair of deer skin gloves
   [    300] (tot 151) a pair of iron-spiked boar hide gloves

   [  Price] Worn on fingers:
   [    300] (tot 151) an orichalcum knuckle

   [  Price] Worn on body:
   [    300] (tot 151) an iron-studded elk skin bustier

   [  Price] Worn on waist:
   [    300] (tot  96) an okapi hide sheath
   [    300] (tot  96) A deer skin sporran
   [    300] (tot  96) A deer skin belt
   [    300] (tot  96) A deer hide belt
   [    300] (tot  96) A grey wolf pelt belt

   [  Price] Worn on feet:
   [    300] (tot  96) a pair of deer skin sandals
   [    300] (tot  96) a pair of skittish coywolf hide boots
   [    300] (tot  96) a pair of An elk hide boots
   [    300] (tot  96) a pair of An elk skin sandals
   [    300] (tot  96) a pair of deer skin boots
   [    300] (tot 151) a pair of wild boar hide boots
   [    300] (tot 151) a pair of iron-studded boar skin boots
   [    300] (tot 151) a pair of grey wolf pelt sandals

   [  Price] Shields:
   [    400] (tot  95) a pine kite shield
   [    400] (tot  95) a pine round shield
   [    400] (tot  95) a juniper round shield
   [    400] (tot  95) a tulipwood tower shield
   [    400] (tot  95) an ironwood tower shield
   [    400] (tot  95) a chestnut heater shield
   [    400] (tot  96) a tulipwood round shield
   [    400] (tot  96) a hornbeam tower shield
   [    400] (tot  96) a hawthorn tower shield
   [    400] (tot 151) a cherry kite shield
   [    400] (tot 151) an orichalcum-rimmed larch kite shield
   [    400] (tot 151) an iron-rimmed pear kite shield

   [  Price] Held:
   [    300] (tot  95) an apricot walking cane
   [    300] (tot  95) a sweetgum walking cane
   [    300] (tot  96) A grey wolf pelt keyfob
   [    300] (tot  96) A deer hide wallet
   [    300] (tot 151) a boar skin keyfob
   [    350] (tot 151) A deer skin wallet

   [  Price] Two handed weapon:
   [    500] (tot  95) a rowan longbow with a sycamore grip
   [    500] (tot  95) a rowan bow with an apple grip
   [    500] (tot  95) a linden blowgun
   [    500] (tot  95) a hickory longbow
   [    500] (tot  95) a willow bow
   [    500] (tot  95) an apple quarterstaff
   [    500] (tot  95) a sweetgum quarterstaff
   [    500] (tot  95) an oak quarterstaff
   [    500] (tot  95) a boxwood quarterstaff
   [    500] (tot  95) an oak quarterstaff
   [    500] (tot  95) a tulipwood quarterstaff
   [    500] (tot  95) a sourwood quarterstaff
   [    500] (tot  96) a poplar longbow
   [    500] (tot  96) an oak quarterstaff
   [    500] (tot  96) a dogwood quarterstaff
   [    500] (tot  96) a tulipwood sling staff
   [    500] (tot 151) a dogwood blowgun
   [    500] (tot 151) an alder bow with an aspen grip
   [    500] (tot 151) a palm bow
   [    500] (tot 151) a sumac sling staff
   [    500] (tot 151) a mulberry bow with a locust grip
   [    500] (tot 151) an iron-studded locust quarterstaff
   [    500] (lvl  38) a larch longbow
   [    500] (lvl  38) a catalpa bow with a hackberry grip
   [    500] (tot 153) an ovangkol quarterstaff

   [  Price] One handed weapon:
   [    500] (tot  95) an alder club
   [    500] (tot  95) a boxwood club
   [    500] (tot  96) an iron-spiked deer skin whip
   [    500] (tot  97) a lacewood-handled mithril dagger
   [    500] (tot 151) a cherry-handled lead mace
   [    500] (tot 151) an iron-studded aspen club
   [    500] (tot 151) an orichalcum-spiked beech club
   [    500] (tot 151) an iron-studded bone club
   [    500] (tot 151) an alder club

   [  Price] Miscellaneous:
   [     20] (tot  95) a boxwood bolt
   [     20] (tot  95) a boxwood bolt
   [    150] (tot  96) a sycamore canoe
   [    150] (tot  96) a catalpa canoe
   [     25] (tot 151) a white lead sling bullet
   [     25] (tot 151) a white lead sling bullet
   [     25] (tot 151) a white lead sling bullet
   [     25] (tot 151) a white lead sling bullet
   [     25] (tot 151) a white lead sling bullet
   [     25] (tot 151) a white lead sling bullet
   [     25] (tot 151) a white lead sling bullet
   [     25] (tot 151) a white lead sling bullet
   [     15] (tot 151) a willow dart
   [     15] (tot 151) a willow dart
   [     15] (tot 151) a willow dart
   [     15] (tot 151) a willow dart
   [     20] (tot 151) a catalpa bolt
   [     20] (tot 151) a catalpa bolt
   [     20] (tot 151) a catalpa bolt
   [     20] (tot 151) a catalpa bolt
   [     20] (tot 151) a catalpa bolt
   [    250] (tot 151) a peach grip
   [    250] (tot 151) a blackthorn handle
   [    250] (tot 151) a juniper haft
   [     15] (lvl  38) a poplar dart


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