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Alter Aeon logo 3000

Alter Aeon Shops and Stores

Storefront:  everything goods! Bad things in the basement. where the restoration potion also has Major healing on it.
Location:    The capital city of Airam, Marketplace and Castle, The Continent of Ramanek
Recommended Level: 43

The following items are available for sale at this time:

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   [  Price] Held:
   [   9500] (lvl   0) a small iron box

   [  Price] Miscellaneous:
   [   2000] (lvl  30) a brick of platinum
   [   2000] (lvl  30) a brick of platinum
   [   2000] (lvl  30) a brick of platinum
   [   2000] (lvl  30) a brick of platinum
   [   1000] (lvl  30) a brick of mithril
   [   1000] (lvl  30) a brick of mithril
   [    300] (lvl  30) a block of copper
   [   1000] (lvl  30) a brick of orichalcum
   [   1000] (lvl  30) a brick of orichalcum


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