Alter Aeon Cleric Spells and Skills
This spell and skill list is maintained by the Ralnoth Guildmasters
Association, and is provided free of charge to all.
(Note that actually learning a spell or skill probably won't be free!)
There are also articles about some of these skill and spell groups
in our Gaming Articles section. For example:
- Spellcasting for New Players
- Introduction to Healing in Groups
- The Black Art of Brewing Poisons
- A Cleric's Guide to the Undead
Cleric tribulation spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
afflict 12 11 1 cle
faerie fire 13 11 3 cle
noxious cloud 24 20 16 cle
fairy fog 26 22 21 cle
clumsiness 17 13 8 cle
weaken 22 18 17 cle
lethargy 29 25 25 cle
leadfoot 31 27 29 cle
eyebite 37 33 38 cle
feeble mind 24 20 19 cle
confusion 26 22 22 cle
forgetfulness 28 24 25 cle
Cleric healing spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
soothe wounds 12 11 1 cle
refresh 14 11 4 cle
area refresh 26 22 22 cle
rejuvenate 35 31 36 cle
remove poison 16 12 6 cle
slow poison 24 20 18 cle
cure poison 28 24 24 cle
purge blood 34 30 33 cle
sense life 17 13 9 cle
bolster 17 13 9 cle
heal 23 19 17 cle
major heal 27 23 23 cle
healing touch 25 21 27 cle
breath of life 32 28 31 cle
area heal 34 30 33 cle
Cleric divine might spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
inflict wounds 15 11 2 cle
chasten 18 14 7 cle
inflict suffering 23 19 15 cle
harm 27 23 21 cle
clasp of corruption 31 27 28 cle
death and decay 36 33 37 cle
flamestrike 22 18 13 cle
condemnation 34 30 32 cle
Cleric divine conjuration spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
continual light 13 11 2 cle
radiant orbs 16 12 4 cle
sunbeam 24 20 16 cle
spirit hammer 16 12 5 cle
miraculous vestment 19 15 10 cle
holy weapon 29 25 26 cle
chaos hammer 38 35 40 cle
consecrate armor 11 cle
mystic armament 21 17 14 cle
petition incarnate 25 cle
celestial audience 30 cle
petition aspect 37 cle
Cleric divine aid spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
armor aegis 13 11 3 cle
faith shield 16 12 5 cle
sanctuary 20 16 11 cle
resurrect 27 23 21 cle
prayer for the dying 32 28 32 cle
expiation 35 31 36 cle
bravery 20 16 12 cle
vigor 21 17 15 cle
fortitude 27 23 23 cle
bless 16 12 6 cle
Cleric inquisition spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
sacred touch 16 12 7 cle
reveal curse 17 13 8 cle
lift curse 19 15 10 cle
cursebreaker 24 cle
curse ward 34 30 34 cle
turn undead 21 18 14 cle
hold undead 25 21 20 cle
protection from demons 24 20 19 cle
ward alignment 27 23 23 cle
bind alignment 28 cle
censure demon 34 30 35 cle
Cleric tranquility spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
peace 20 16 12 cle
presence 21 17 13 cle
word of recall 23 19 18 cle
group recall 29 25 26 cle
waypoint lore 31 cle
group waypoint 33 29 32 cle
hallowed ground 35 33 35 cle
revocation 29 25 27 cle
meditate 20 cle
groupcasting 24 cle
haven 33 29 29 cle
solace 31 27 30 cle
Cleric anointing spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
brew unguent 12 cle
undead scourge 25 21 20 cle
devil ill 29 25 26 cle
angel ravage 34 30 34 cle
fey woe 37 33 39 cle
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