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Audio Walkthroughs and Guides

This page links to audio walkthroughs of areas, and guides to quests on Alter Aeon. The recordings are contributed by various players and gods, and can be used to supplement the other quest guides and area descriptions on other parts of the site. You may also want to check out the Alter Aeon YouTube Channel for other clips and video.

Please see our Quest Guides page and the Alter Aeon Areas page for other area information.

New Player Information

These recordings are primarily for new players and talk about clients and introductory parts of the game.

Pelantas and Maaike, by Pelantas and Maaike
Maaike and Pelanantas playing near Vemarken and Indira.

Pelantas and Maaike Walkthrough, by Pelantas and Maaike
This is a walkthrough of the game starting near the beginning, by two players exploring the newbie encampment and surrounding areas.

Mush-Z Podcast, by Kurek
This is an old podcast about the Mush-Z client for Alter Aeon. This client was created by blind players for blind players, and has a huge number of features and sounds.

Area Walkthroughs

Underwater Ruins Walkthrough, by Woem
A walkthrough of the underwater ruins on the Island of Seriphus.

Ice Realm Walkthrough (2012), by Woem
A walkthrough of the Outer Planar Ice World.

Ruins Walkthrough, by Woem
A walkthrough of the ruins on the Northern Continent.

Fire Realm Walkthrough, by Woem
A walkthrough of the Outer Planar Fire World as it existed in 2009. This walkthrough may be out of date, as the area has been updated since the walkthrough was published.

Ice Realm Walkthrough (2009), by Woem
A walkthrough of the Outer Planar Ice World as it existed in 2009. This walkthrough may be out of date, as the area has been updated since the walkthrough was published.

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